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LPM Magpie Awards: Telly Knetter, Excellence in Partnerships

The LP Magazine "Magpie" Awards offer a means to celebrate industry accomplishments on an ongoing basis, recognizing the loss prevention professionals, teams, solution providers, law enforcement partners, and others that demonstrate a stellar contribution to the profession.

Understanding New ORC Laws’ Impact on Retail Safety

Join the LPF for a webinar on September 27 at 1 p.m. ET as ALTO lead attorneys explore recent changes in ORC laws and their impact on retail safety.
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Illinois Ends Cash Bail with Pre-Trial Fairness Act

Illinois has become the first state to abolish cash bail as the Pre-Trial Fairness Act, part of the SAFE-T Act, went into effect September 18. This comes after extensive delays and legal challenges, as many are worried this will put more criminals back on the streets.

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Violence in the Workplace

Download this 34-page special report from Loss Prevention Magazine about types and frequency of violent incidents, impacts on employees and customers, effectiveness of tools and training, and much more.


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