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Garett Seivold

Garett Seivold is senior writer for LP Magazine. He is a trained journalist who has been covering corporate security for industry professionals for over twenty years. Seivold has been recognized by several organizations for outstanding writing, investigative reporting, and instructional journalism. He has authored dozens of survey-based research reports and best-practice manuals on security-related topics. Seivold can be reached at GarettS (at) LPportal (dot) com.


Retailers Warned to Plan for Panic

In November 2017, on Black Friday on Britain's busiest street, the "sound of gunfire and explosions" created a panic among Christmas shoppers convinced the city was under a terror attack. Dozens of people were hurt in the ensuing stampede.

Active Shooter Protocol for Stores

While schools, churches, hotels, and movie theaters have traditionally been the most targeted public establishments, large retail establishments face similar risk.

How to Detect Occupational Fraud and Abuse in Your Store

A significant portion of organizations are overlooking the most effective anti-fraud measures, according to ACFE data. For example, proactive data monitoring and analysis is an anti-fraud control measure at just 37 percent of victim organizations.

The Big Picture: Retail Video Today and What’s Coming Tomorrow

Visual information is no longer the only — and perhaps not even the primary — component of a video surveillance system. Images are still valuable, but it is the data inherent within them that provides for new applications and value. A camera is now a computer with a lens. Video once provided LP with extra eyes. Now it also offers brains.

Business Travel Safety Tips and Hotel Recommendations

Long before a retailer opens shop in a far-flung destination, key personnel will need to make repeated travel to those locations. Keeping them safe during those excursions is a legitimate concern. This post offers some business travel safety tips for retail ops and LP pros on the go.
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UK Retailers Beef Up Employees’ Ability to Help Combat Terrorism

A new counter-terrorism training program in the UK is proving popular with businesses, including retailers. More than 1,500 companies have signed up in an effort to boost protection from a terror attack.

Will Retailers Push Past Frustration to Jump-Start the Future of Shoplifting Prevention?

The stakes for retailers are immense. Because most misdemeanor crime is petty larceny, they are the principal victims when states raise felony thresholds to reduce incarceration. [Sponsored]

How to Make a Good Threat Assessment Better

A review of one recent mass shooting incident suggested some valuable questions that a retailer can ask to identify potential flaws in its procedures for handling potentially dangerous store associates.

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