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Dave Thompson, CFI

David Thompson, CFI, is the president and partner at Wicklander-Zulawski & Associates, providing investigative interview and interrogation training to a global audience. He has served as a subject matter expert in developing curriculum and providing consultation to investigators, attorneys, and the academic community. He can be reached at


A Global Standard of Interviewing

Investigative interview training, guidelines, and expectations have grown significantly over the last several years from “the way we’ve always done it” to a global movement of standardization.

The Industry Standard for Investigative Interviewing: Resources and Training

Wicklander-Zulawski (WZ) and the International Association of Interviewers (IAI) are proud to be a long- standing resource for the industry on how to best craft interviewing conversations and approaches.

Interviewing: The Closed-Ended Conundrum

Resist the urge to “interrogate” when your goal is to obtain as much information as possible. Be a better listener and you’ll be amazed at what you may have been missing.

Bringing Science into the Interview Room

The words 'scientific method' may bring back haunting memories of chemistry and biology class, but the tried and true tactic can be incredibly useful when conducting LP interviews. Here, David Thompson and Shane G. Sturman from Wicklander-Zulawski & Associates explain just how to implement the method during interrogations.
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Applying Effective Interviewing Skills to Organized Crime Investigations

In addition to advanced resources and tangible solutions, there is a foundational and often overlooked tool in the battle against ORC—the power of communication.

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