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Dave Thompson, CFI

David Thompson, CFI, is the president and partner at Wicklander-Zulawski & Associates, providing investigative interview and interrogation training to a global audience. He has served as a subject matter expert in developing curriculum and providing consultation to investigators, attorneys, and the academic community. He can be reached at


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The Intersection of Interviewing and Innovation

Technology has impacted investigative interviewing. In this article, learn more about its current limitations while also embracing the opportunities it can create.

Are You the Liar?

Learn more about how investigators seek to identify the truth that can be used to further an investigation, and how expertise, consequences, and empathy all play a part.

Mistakes Made in the ORC Interview

Interviewing those that are suspected members of an organized retail crime ring requires a strategic approach and preparation. These conversations may vary in context, taking place in a variety of locations.

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