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Alan Grocott, CFI

Grocott is a WZ EU instructor.


How to Expand Admissions in Employee Theft Cases

It is rare for an associate to be caught the first time they engage in dishonest behavior. When a person is caught the very first time they steal, it is likely they have been involved in a pattern of theft activity elsewhere.

Taking Notes during an Interview or Interrogation

When listening to an educator, the student attempts to determine which are the most important points in the lecture to help decide what will be on the upcoming test. Similarly, when taking notes during an interview, we are looking for clues to help identify whether the person is truthful.

What Is Rapport, and Why Is It Helpful in Interviews?

Everyone has known an Eric. He was the person who could join a crowd and seem to know everyone moments later. Walk with him into a crowded pub, and in minutes, he would be laughing and moving from person to person as if he had been a regular there for years.

Meeting Employee Dishonesty with Compassion in an Interview

Compassion can be an important component to assist people when they decide to tell the truth. How might you, as an interviewer, apply compassion to your conversations about employee dishonesty?
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