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Adrian Beck

Emeritus Professor Adrian Beck spent his academic career in the criminology department at the University of Leicester in the UK, where he primarily focused on research on retail crime and shrinkage issues. He currently serves as an academic advisor and researcher for organizations like the ECR Community's Shrinkage and On-shelf Availability Group. Beck is a frequent speaker at loss prevention conferences worldwide and a contributor to LP Magazine's US and Europe publications. Beck can be reached at bna (at)


Utilizing Video Analytics: Facial Recognition in Retailing

Recent ECR Retail Loss research captured some of the contrasting views about facial recognition, including the opportunities it presents and some of the challenges of operationalizing it in a retail context.

Managing Self-Checkout: The Potential Role of Video Analytics

The growth in the use of various types of self-checkout systems (SCO), especially, but not exclusively in grocery, is one of the defining transformations of 21st century retailing.

Can Video Technologies Help Improve Inventory Accuracy?

To help grocers address inventory accuracy issues, developments in video technologies and analytics have begun to offer interesting alternatives, albeit with sometimes mixed results thus far.
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What Role Does Video Analytics Play in Tackling Retail Theft?

Developments in video analytics, which can be used to automatically identify predetermined events and generate an alert, have resurrected interest in using video to address shop theft.

Insights on the Use and Impact of Video Technologies in Retail

Digital video technologies are now readily available, and they have brought significant new opportunities, not least through the development of video analytics.

The Rise of Body-Worn Cameras in Retail

While the use of body-worn cameras is now relatively common and increasingly mandatory within the law enforcement community in many countries, their use in the retail environment is still a recent development.

Improving the Reliability of Burglar Alarms through Video Verification

In the realm of commercial burglar alarms, too many false alarms can have a profound impact, particularly in terms of the likelihood of public policing responding to an alarm.

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