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Ask Good Questions During the Loss Prevention Job Interview

When preparing for a loss prevention job interview, it can be very easy to focus so hard on the questions that the interviewer might ask that we lose track on a very important aspect of the process, and that’s the ability of the candidate to ask good questions during the interview.

An interview isn’t simply an inquisition. The interview is more specifically a process through which both the employer and the prospective employee attempt to have a meaningful discussion regarding the candidate’s fit for a loss prevention job opening. The employer is seeking out the best possible candidate to fit the needs of their current open position. But by the same respect, the candidate is also looking for a position that best fits their needs as well. In order for the process to end successfully, there needs to be a match.

Failing to ask good questions during the loss prevention job interview can lead to a missed opportunity for several reasons. First and foremost, asking the right questions helps to confirm your qualifications and abilities as a candidate for the position. The right questions help you stand out, demonstrating your interest as well as your insight. They can be used to fill important gaps in the conversation and help answer questions that might not have been asked by the interviewer.

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The right questions can help answer vital questions that the candidate might have regarding the job, the company, the team, and the culture. This is an opportunity to find out whether the organization provides a match, setting a solid foundation for the relationship, defining roles and expectations, and delivering shared success in the job.

But asking the right questions during an interview is also an opportunity to allow the interviewer to project you into the job; envisioning you as part of the team and satisfying the role that they are looking to fill. It can draw an important picture of you in assuming the role, leading the way to a meaningful conclusion.

What Types of Questions should be Asked?

The best questions aren’t just those that make the interviewer take notice. They are the ones that lead to discussion and interaction between the candidate and the interviewer. This supports a genuine interest in the position, and emphasizes how you can help the company meet their challenges and expectations. They should help demonstrate your understanding of the business as well as the position, reinforce your skill sets, and reflect your ability to build strong partnerships and a winning culture. This might include:

Questions about the position. This helps establish a more complete understanding of the role, what the employer is looking for, and how you might fill that role.

  • What skills and experiences do you think would make an ideal candidate?
  • What do you feel is the greatest challenge facing the loss prevention staff?
  • What can you tell me about the team I’ll be working with?
  • What do you feel are the most important objectives to accomplish in my first 90 days?
  • How would you describe the relationship between the loss prevention department and the other departments in the company?
  • How would you describe the relationship between the loss prevention department and the store teams?
  • Can you tell me the potential career path for the position and the advancement opportunities I could work towards?

Questions about the company. Make sure that you do your homework (Company website, finance sites, etc.) and look for ways to ask specific questions related to what you’ve learned.

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  • What can you tell me about the company’s plans for future growth?
  • Where do you see the organization in five years?
  • What do you feel is the company’s most important innovation in recent years?
  • What do you feel are some of the most important aspects of the company culture?

Questions for the interviewer. These questions provide the opportunity to connect with the interviewer on a more personal level, providing additional insight on what it’s like to work for the company.

  • How long have you worked for the company?
  • What do you enjoy most about working here?
  • What do you think has made you successful working here?

Closing Questions. These questions provide a positive and constructive way to end the conversation and underscore your ongoing interest in the position.

  • Are there any additional questions that I can answer for you or any additional information that you need?
  • What is the next step in the process?

While these questions provide a solid foundation, every job interview is unique and you should look to build questions that best fit the situation, the role that you are looking to fill, and the specific conversation that you find yourself in during the actual interview. The better prepared that you are going into the loss prevention job interview, the better the chances that you will find and secure the best possible position to fit your needs and your loss prevention career.

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