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A New Year with New Beginnings

As most of you are aware, this past year provided some significant milestones, with LP Magazine celebrating twenty years and the Loss Prevention Foundation (LPF) with fifteen years serving the loss prevention and asset protection community. In an industry as dynamic as retail, where change is part of our foundation, and a profession like loss prevention that is so critically important and yet so often misunderstood, these are truly significant accomplishments.

An anniversary offers an opportunity to reflect on our greatest challenges, notable achievements, and how so many variables have influenced the ride that led us to where we are today. Building on an idea and having the drive, ambition, and fortitude to make it work is exceptional. For the leaders that took the steps to make a difference and the strength to follow through supporting the magazine and the foundation, you have our gratitude.

Taking a Moment

Yet while these events provide tribute to the many accomplishments of LP Magazine and the LPF, they also reflect the strength and resilience that will help lead us in the years to come.

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LP Magazine does more than give voice to the loss prevention industry, it is part of the fabric of our community. We provide a forum to discuss the most pressing topics facing today’s LP professional. We keep you informed of the latest news and events. We share your ideas and opinions. We offer opportunities to learn and grow. We take the steps to influence change by providing a platform for industry leadership at every level. Over the past twenty years, real change has taken place and credibility has been earned through the collective efforts of countless individuals that have contributed to what we do.

The LP Foundation provides an important vehicle for professional growth and development. Through the academically accredited and internationally sanctioned LPQualified and LPCertified programs, our leaders have established foundational education based on industry best practices, subject-matter expertise, and the latest trends and technology. Beyond the certifications, there’s so much more. LPF has established additional learning materials, critical networking and partnership opportunities, and additional programs and initiatives that directly contribute to the growth and development of the loss prevention industry. Through the collective efforts of the LPF team, its board of directors, and the contributions of everyone that supports the mission and vision of these initiatives, we have established a striking example of the power of partnerships.

Accolades for much of what has been accomplished begins and ends with each of you. And as we reflect on what has been achieved, we can see that these organizations have largely been woven from the same cloth, providing a source of collaboration, innovation, and credibility supported through the joint efforts of the entire loss prevention community. There is much for all of us to be proud of and plenty of congratulations to go around.

A Time for New Beginnings

While we can always reflect on the past, we still have a responsibility to build a future. It’s a new year, full of fresh ideas and opportunities. If the past twenty-four months have taught us anything, it’s that change is absolutely inevitable—and we have proven our community has the ability and fortitude to handle it. What we’ve seen is only the beginning, and only a fraction of what’s yet to come.

This new year will bring us many fresh starts, ideas, and exciting opportunities. As we continue to adjust to a new normal, responsibilities will grow and change. Different outlooks and innovation will impact what we do. There will be new laws and regulations, along with new programs and partnerships. Priorities will evolve, and company cultures will adapt. Personal and professional decisions will be made. And through it all, we’ll be there with you.

LP Solutions

But there’s more, so stay tuned. There are some exciting things in the works, and we can’t wait to get started. Here’s to all we have to look forward to in 2022! Happy New Year!

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