In another podcast of our 2Cents on 2Things series, Kevin McMenimen sits down with Rhett Asher, vice president of strategy for ThinkLP and president of the International Supply Chain Protection Organization (ISCPO). Asher discusses how he was able to remain constantly involved with his children and family despite his professional career and how that translated into mentoring those who work around him to ensure they maintain and promote their own work-life balance. His second topic focused on the importance of building and maintaining an ethical professional reputation in an industry that is built around honesty and integrity.

As with all our 2Cents on 2Things podcasts, our guest promotes his favorite charity. In this case, Asher explains how he was impacted at an early age by his mother’s suicide. That experience not only helps explain his family-first approach discussed here but also why he wants to promote ways to help individuals either considering suicide or have been victimized by another person’s suicide. Donations can be made online at or by phone at 212-614-6315. Anyone struggling with suicidal thoughts should please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255.
Last but not least, Asher talks about his 15 minutes of fame on a national TV series and where he would like to wake up tomorrow if he had a choice.
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