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Woman, 60, Has Head-On Crash with Police Officer after Shoplifting Chase

A 60-year-old woman has been jailed for allegedly ramming her car head-on into an officer’s vehicle after a shoplifting incident and police chase. During the chase, which began Friday afternoon in Centerville, Lynne Grosshans crashed into another vehicle before running into a Woods Cross officer’s car, according to police probable cause statements.

Centerville police said they answered a report from Walmart that a woman had shoplifted two cans of air freshener. They pursued her westbound on Parrish Lane, and she turned south on Interstate 15 but she would not stop, so they ended the pursuit. No injuries were reported after the crashes in Woods Cross, although Grosshans’ booking photograph shows a bruised right eye.

Grosshans was booked into the Davis County Jail in lieu of $10,000 bond on suspicion of aggravated assault, reckless driving, failure to stop for and interfering with officers, criminal trespass and retail theft. She bailed out of jail and was arrested again after allegedly shoplifting again Saturday, also at Walmart…  Standard-Examiner

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