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Well Done, Bob

Retirement is a wonderful thing. I’ve had several of my friends retire over the past several years, including my wife, who retired from Bank of America this past spring. I hope to join them in the next three to five years, but for now I’m having too much fun.

LPM 0715-ARobert L. DiLonardo Toned_1_LOcopy1One of the magazine’s long-time contributing writers, Bob DiLonardo, recently decided to put down his pen and enjoy some well-earned time with his family. From our premier issue in September 2001 until our May-June 2015 issue, Bob submitted content for our Industry News section that appears in the back of every issue. He was always prompt, if not early, submitting his information, which from my perspective managing production was much appreciated.

For those few of you who don’t know Bob, he has been in the loss prevention industry for nearly forty years, working for Sensormatic from 1980 to 1995. Since then he has been a successful consultant–which, by the way, says a lot about his knowledge and credibility–specializing in evaluating technology, understanding return on investment (ROI), and helping both retailers and solution providers implement products and services to meet corporate objectives.

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What Bob provided our readers was not just news about what was going on in the industry, but also his insights and perspective on how the information and activities he reported fit into the grand scheme of the retail security industry.

He also submitted numerous feature articles to explain things like ROI, issues with self-checkout, and most recently a two-part retrospective of source tagging (see “EAS Source Tagging: 20-Plus Years of Innovation” in the January-February and March-April 2014 issues).

When Bob told Jim and me about his plans to retire, he left the door open to possibly submitting future articles. If that happens, we all would no doubt benefit from his writing. In the meantime, from the entire LP Magazine team, we wish him the best for a long, happy retirement. Thanks for everything you’ve contributed to the magazine and the industry, Bob. Well done, enjoy yourself, and keep in touch.

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LP Solutions


Jack Trlica
Editor and Publisher

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