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WATCH: Video Shows Intense Moment Shoplift Suspect Shoots at Police

Now, new information is coming to light about the Albuquerque man now in custody, including previous run-ins he’s had with police. Police said they were called out to the Walmart on Eubank to check out a suspected shoplifter. But lapel video from an APD officer shows how the situation quickly got out of control. First, police confront a man they’ve now identified as Charles Edward Purvis. Then Purvis takes off and officers chase after him. As the officer closes in, Purvis turns and fires shots. APD’s Simon Drobik says it’s amazing no people, including the officer were hurt.

“All our actions are based on his actions, so him firing at us, him fleeing from us, creates a response from us. A response at that time, because he had used that weapon in a crime against an officer, was to set up a huge perimeter and get him into custody,” Drobik said. Colin McClung was one of the people caught on the outside of that perimeter while police tried to find the suspect. “It’s very concerning, especially with the young kids. I’m thankful my wife was out doing stuff with the kids, instead of being stuck here when it happened, and then getting stuck inside the perimeter,” McClung said.

Police told residents to stay inside. They said they tracked Purvis to an empty home and several hours later, forced him out, using gas. We’ve learned Purvis was charged in two separate incidents in 2014 for felony burglary and once in 2016 on a handful of misdemeanor charges, including contributing to the delinquency of a minor. This is the fourth time Purvis has been arrested this year. The first was in January, a felony stolen vehicle charge. Then he was arrested twice in June for shoplifting and battery.

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Now, he faces new charges. Drobik called it a troubling trend that’s becoming more and more common. “We’re running into these guys time and time again. These guys with these massive charges on them, huge felony charges, and we’re coming across them and use of force is going to be utilized to stop them,” Drobik said. The incident would have been an intense situation for even a seasoned veteran, but police said the officer who was shot at is only 10 weeks out of the academy. Purvis faces several charges, including assault with a deadly weapon and assault with intent to commit a violent felony against a peace officer.   [Source: KOAT7 Action News]

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