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Video: Watch Fired Police Officer Struggle with LP over Stolen Items, Gun

A now-fired San Antonio police officer concealed fragrances in a bag and grappled with security officers over her weapon as they attempted to take her into custody, police body-worn camera footage obtained by the KSAT Defenders shows.

The San Antonio Police Department (SAPD) was forced to release video of the January 2018 arrest of Stephanie Solis inside Macy’s at Ingram Park Mall after she pleaded guilty to felony drug possession in August. Prosecutors dismissed a misdemeanor theft charge against Solis related to the incident.

In the nearly 14-minute clip, an SAPD officer called to the store walks up and finds an off-duty Solis in handcuffs and appearing to be disheveled. Solis eventually admits that she is an SAPD officer, assigned to the department’s mental health unit.

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An asset protection officer is seen on the footage handing over her gun, a Springfield XD .40, and her SAPD badge. “I wasn’t resisting. I was holding my gun,” said Solis. One of the security officers, however, disputed that account and said the weapon and its holster fell from her waist as he and another security officer attempted to take her into custody. A closed circuit television screen recorded by the officer’s body-worn camera shows security… KSAT12 News

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