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[Video] Good Samaritan Clinging to Hood of Fleeing Shoplifter’s Car

Police were called for a report of shoplifting and assault about 4:40 p.m. Monday, June 24 at a Michigan Lowe’s home improvements store. Three males in their 20s were accused of grabbing several power tools and fleeing the store without paying, according to the Pittsfield Township Police Department.

Several customers chased the suspects through the parking lot as they tried to flee in a gray passenger vehicle, police said. One of the customers, the woman, jumped on the hood of the fleeing vehicle as it tried to leave and was carried across a few lanes in the parking lot before the vehicle stopped, police said.

The vehicle then struck the woman and fled the scene prior to officers arriving. The woman refused medical treatment at the scene, but later took herself to the hospital to be checked out as a precaution, police said…

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