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Verkada: LP and IT Now Love Working Together, Thanks to Verkada — Booth 1521

Historically, IT teams and those responsible for loss prevention (LP) and asset protection (AP) typically do not see eye to eye when it comes to technology. LP and AP leaders feel like IT is always shooting down their ideas for being too bandwidth-intensive or difficult to manage on the network. IT administrators, meanwhile, are overwhelmed by an array of requests from across their organization. Both sides often feel under-resourced and frustrated.

Fear not: there’s good news.

Thanks to Verkada’s all-in-one video security platform, LP and IT teams now love working together. The company’s new technology reduces complexity and costs, and offers powerful new capabilities to large retailers.

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Why LP Loves Verkada

  • Instantly share video via SMS and email
  • Immediate access to high-quality video on any device—no downloads required
  • Track objects using motion-based video search
  • Easily manage 1000s of locations in a simple user interface
  • Get automated alerts when motion is detected or a camera goes offline
  • Up to 120 days of retained video, guaranteed

Why IT Loves Verkada

  • No on-premise servers, NVRs or DVRs to manage
  • Won’t clog your network like other IP cameras (Verkada uses just 20-50 kbps/camera)
  • Encrypted by default—no configuration required
  • HTTPS/SSL connections only via Port 443
  • SAML/Oath-based integrations, 2-fa authentication for scalable identity management
  • Automatic firmware updates—no more manual patch management

Since winning an (R)tech Innovation Award at RILA’s Asset Protection Conference this past April, Verkada has been rapidly gaining new customers in retail asset protection, including Fastenal, Salvation Army, Eddie Bauer and others.

“What makes Verkada work so well for us is that it’s incredibly easy for each individual general manager to install and maintain,” said Traci Kruse, regional manager at Fastenal. “We also get corporate visibility when we need it, for example, when there’s a serious incident and we need to investigate.”

Stop by Booth #1521 at NRF Protect for a live demo—or visit to request a free trial system.

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