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Vector Security’s Automated Secure Alarm Protocol (ASAP) Now Live in Durham and Kernersville, NC

Now that Automated Secure Alarm Protocol (ASAP) is live in Durham and Kernersville, North Carolina, many homes and businesses that use monitored alarm services – including nearly 1,700 Vector Security customers – will benefit from the technology that improves the accuracy and speed of emergency response.

ASAP works by delivering alarm notification information from central monitoring stations directly to public safety answering points (PSAPs) via computer, rather than by phone. This eliminates the need for communication between monitoring centers and 911 operators, resulting in faster emergency response and reduced errors. It also allows better allocation of resources for responding agencies.

Transmitting data electronically speeds up alarm notification delivery, and reduces the number of phone calls and processing time. It also eliminates human error and miscommunication between operators because all pertinent data goes directly to first responders within seconds.

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ASAP to PSAP was created in partnership with the Central Station Alarm Association (CSAA) and the Association of Public Safety Communications Officials (APCO), with Vector Security President and CEO Pam Petrow co-chairing the steering committee. Vector Security was the first alarm company to use ASAP in the City of Richmond, VA in 2012.

“ASAP allows first responders to answer emergencies faster due to improved speed and accuracy of information transmitted,” said Bill Hobgood, an ASAP implementation consultant to both Durham and Kernersville. “This saves precious time in an emergency, helping us better protect the community. Vector Security worked with us on extensive testing on this project.”

“ASAP is an initiative we strongly believe in at Vector Security and we are proud to help enable this partnership between the public and private sectors,” said Anita Ostrowski, vice president of central station services, Vector Security. “As such, we consistently seek ways to promote its value to municipalities and public agencies, and help other alarm companies implement it for the greater good of the security industry and the protection of our communities.”

Ryan Spong, Kernersville 911 communications manager, said, “We are excited to have the ASAP program in Kernersville. This program will certainly decrease the time from when an alarm is set off until the first responders arrive on the scene.”

Jim Soukup, emergency communications director for the city and county of Durham, NC, added, “With ASAP, the ability to get emergency vehicles on the way more accurately and more quickly is outstanding.”

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Other municipalities that have implemented ASAP include Houston, TX; Washington D.C.; James City County, York County and Henrico County, VA; Tempe and Chandler, AZ; Boca Raton, FL; Cary and Guilford County, NC; Denton County and Grand Prairie, TX; and Morgan County, AL.

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