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USS Launches Platform for Analog-to-IP Conversion

On the first day of NRF Protect conference, USS unveiled its new open-architecture platform that promises to bridge the gap between analog and IP video. Dubbed NDVision—short for New Digital Vision—the new platform is built on open architecture, giving LP teams flexibility in analog-to-IP conversion.

“NDVision enables LP teams to keep their analog cameras, existing cabling and other infrastructure,” said Gerald Becker, USS’ vice president for Physical Security, “and still take advantage of rich feature sets of IP systems. NDVision simplifies the migration to IP by eliminating the need for multiple pieces of hardware, such as video encoders, network switches and separate video recorders. All these functions are now combined into one unit, which offers savings of between 30% and 48% over other solutions currently available.”

According to Becker, NDVision’s biggest advantage is open architecture: it works with multiple VMS platforms without locking customers into any particular proprietary technology. NDVision is initially available for 8- and 16-camera systems, with the 32-camera solution becoming available soon.

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