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USS’ FaceFirst Installations Draw Praise at NRF Protect

USS’ role in equipping retailers with military-grade facial recognition technology drew considerable interest among the visitors at its booth during last week’s NRF Protect 2015 conference in Long Beach, Calif. Last year, the company became the first and only certified value-added reseller of FaceFirst systems in the U.S., offering retailers one of the most cutting-edge tools to combat theft while at the same helping improve sales. This year, the company has increased its number of highly-successful installations.

“This is the technology that all retailers want, and that all high-shrink stores need,” said Gerald Becker, USS’ vice president of Physical Security. “Being able to identify known shoplifters with nearly 100 percent accuracy is a huge boon to retailers. It’s a proven system, but its intricacies demand a high-level of skill to effectively deploy.” Becker continued, “I’m happy to say that USS was the first value-added reseller in the country.”

The FaceFirst system, Becker noted, is also useful in identifying litigious individuals, disgruntled former employees and known ORC groups. He pointed out that visitors to USS’ booth at the conference were likewise impressed that the facial recognition platform can also be used to improve sales and customer satisfaction. “Just like you can identify a potential shoplifter, you can also identify a VIP customer. Imagine being able to quickly greet a customer by name, and have in front of you his or her shopping preferences. You could then provide a level of services few others could match,” said Becker.

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According to the company’s web site, FaceFirst’s platform enables retailers to “load existing photos of your known shoplifters, members of organized retail crime syndicates, persons of interest, and your best customers into FaceFirst. Instantly, when a person in your FaceFirst database steps into one of your stores, you are sent an email, text, or SMS alert that includes their picture and all biographical information of the known individual so you can take immediate and appropriate action.”

More detailed information on USS’ facial recognition capabilities is available here:

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