Retailers continue to invest billions in video CCTV systems. To understand how they currently use video CCTV and the prospects they see for video analytics, the ECR Retail Loss Group commissioned Professor Adrian Beck to conduct in-depth interviews and site visits with retailers based in the US and Europe as well as gather the views from solution providers.
To launch this groundbreaking research, the ECR Retail Loss Group conducted a webinar on Wednesday, June 17 from 9:00 to 10:30 am EDT. The agenda is shown below.

9:00 am—Welcome and Introductions led by Colin Peacock, group strategy coordinator for the ECR Retail Loss Group.

9:05 am—Report Launch. Emeritus Professor Adrian Beck will introduce the key themes from the forthcoming report:
- A detailed analysis of how retailers are currently utilizing video technologies in their businesses.
- A review of how retailers are using video analytics to deliver safety and security with business intelligence.
- A critical assessment of the challenges of managing video analytics in retailing.
- An evaluation of the strategic trends in the use of video technologies, including centralized video command centers, data integration, and system design.
- Reflections on the importance of developing a coordinated and cross-functional plan to maximize the potential of video technologies in retailing.

9:40 am—Solution Provider Response. Rob Borsch, retail channel leader at Genetec, will share his learnings on the organizational challenges of delivering a company-wide CCTV strategy, and his view on the near and longer term prospects and business case for scalable video analytics.

9:55 am—Retailer Response. Scott Draher, vice president of asset protection and safety at Lowe’s, will describe what it means and what it takes to be an effective video tzar, and how he has delivered an organization-wide video strategy at Lowe’s.
10:15 am—ECR Retail Loss Group Interactive Discussion Group Series on Video in Retail. Colin Peacock will announce the dates and themes of the forthcoming series.
10:20 am—Questions and Discussion. The panelists will answer the questions sent in advance and collected during the webinar.

10:30 am—Close. Immediately after this webinar, and to those who attend, a link will be sent to a URL where attendees can download the full report free of charge.
Who Should Attend This Webinar?
Retailers. This webinar will be of particular interest to leaders from the following functions:
- Asset protection
- Loss prevention
- Security and risk
- Data analysts
- Data scientists
- Information technology
- Store operations
Solutions Providers. In addition, the webinar will be of value to video technology providers, installers, and users of video, such as security guarding companies.