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U.S. Security Associates Roadshow to Showcase the Sharp INTELLOS A-UGV

U.S. Security Associates (USA) has immediate availability of the Sharp INTELLOS™ Automated Unmanned Ground Vehicle (A-UGV) as the first authorized private security company reseller of the robotic unit. USA is now offering the environmentally friendly Sharp INTELLOS A-UGV outdoor patrol robot as a service to work in concert with their security officer force and provide additional layers of security and safety coverage.

USA rounds out the robotic arm of their P3 Technology PlatformSM with INTELLOS A-UGV. In cooperation with Sharp Robotics Business Development (SRBD), a division of Sharp Electronics Corporation (SEC), USA will hold exclusive roadshow events of the Sharp INTELLOS™ Automated Unmanned Ground Vehicle (A-UGV) at the following locations beginning in July:

  • Atlanta, Ga- July 18, 2017
  • Houston, TX- July 25, 2017
  • Dallas, TX- July 27, 2017
  • San Francisco, CA- July 20, 2017
  • Los Angeles, CA- August 1, 2017
  • San Diego, CA- August 3, 2017
  • Indianapolis, IN- August 9, 2017
  • Seattle, WA- August 10, 2017

The demonstration events will showcase the enhancements Sharp’s patrol robot provides. Units currently deployed at preliminary USA client sites reportedly show compelling results of incident mitigation and a significant reduction in safety risks.

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The Sharp INTELLOS A-UGV is a cost-effective, multi-terrain, mobile sensor platform that can capture video, audio and environmental data while providing a visible deterrent. The data it provides is designed to enhance outdoor surveillance, security, safety and maintenance inspections, which can help organizations meet the challenges of an ever-changing security landscape by augmenting a skilled security officer force. The Sharp INTELLOS A-UGV’s ruggedized design is designed for customers with expansive outdoor properties that USA serves.

“In addition to acting as an additional deterrent for criminal activity, the real value new technologies, like the Sharp INTELLOS A-UGV, offers is mining site-specific data in areas inhospitable or too cumbersome for traditional officer patrols and providing insights, compliance and recommendations that maximize the Total Value to ProtectSM,” said Richard L. Wyckoff, president and CEO of USA. “Robotics that enable data-driven technologies should be a key consideration when putting together a comprehensive security and safety program. Robotics and drones will increasingly play a major role in complementing a traditional officer force and USA intends to expand our capabilities to ensure leading edge technology is available to our customers.”

Contact your local USA office to experience one of the upcoming events.

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