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U.S. Security Associates Provides Personal Safety Video for Active Shooter Survival

Following the tragic incident in Las Vegas that senselessly left so many innocent victims dead or injured, U.S. Security Associates (USA) has produced a video outlining important personal safety steps to take in the event of an active shooter situation.

“Our hearts grieve for those killed and injured, for the families affected, and for the first responders and law enforcement who cared for the injured and located the shooter,” USA President and CEO Richard L. Wyckoff said. “We hope that you find this information useful, and we encourage you to share it.”

The six-minute video provides a brief guideline for preparation and responses one can take to improve their personal safety.

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Anyone who is confronted by an active shooter situation can protect themselves with better knowledge and situational awareness. Stay alert, pay attention to people and the changing environment, and always identify possible exit and hiding places.

The core concepts of this active shooter training are simple: Get Out, Hide Out, Take Out. Those six words reflect practical responses that can guide personal safety when every second counts.

Get Out: find the closest and quickest path to escape the area assuming it is safely out of the line of fire.

Hide Out: if you cannot safely flee, look for cover sturdy enough to shield you from bullets, or if not, find a place that conceals you from the shooter’s view.

Take Out: barring the opportunity to escape or hide, find something such as a chair, broom or fire extinguisher to use as a weapon to disarm the shooter, then attempt to catch the shooter off guard.

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USA is providing the informative video to all its clients and to the public at large in the hope that it can be helpful to anyone’s personal safety if confronted with an active shooter situation.

This video is only a snapshot of the many training resources that are available, including the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) website, Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) website, or visit

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