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Two Employees Charged for Allegedly Stealing Merchandise

Two employees at Walmart in Kelly Township, Union County, have been charged with retail theft for allegedly stealing merchandise while at work.

In the first case, Frank A. Manzano, 24, whose address is listed as Indiana, Pennsylvania, in court records, was charged for stealing close to $300 of merchandise between July 24 and 29.

Walmart’s loss prevention provided video footage to police of Manzano taking merchandise without paying on three different occasions, according to the affidavit written by Pennsylvania State Police at Milton Trooper Kyle Thorpe.

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On the first occasion, Manzano took two packs of men’s shirts out of the stock room and then concealed the shirts at his side as he walked past the Walmart greeter to exit the store.

A day later, Manzano had a cart full of merchandise and rang up most of it. However, his card was declined and he went to another register to scan his items but did not scan all of them, according to the affidavit. The merchandise that Manzano did not pay for totaled $158.

On the third occasion, Manzano was at a self-check register and allegedly did not scan and pay for all of the items in his cart. Total stolen was just over $113. State police interviewed Manzano on August 21 and he admitted to stealing the items, Thorpe wrote.

Manzano was charged with one misdemeanor count and three summaries of retail theft through the office of District Judge Jeffrey A. Rowe.

In the second case, Thomas N. Nguyen, 20, of Williamsport, allegedly stole several items totaling $325 on August 27.

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Walmart loss prevention provided police with video footage that showed Nguyen taking an Apple iPad and putting it in his uniform pocket, according to the affidavit written by Trooper Levi Eck of Pennsylvania State Police at Milton. Nguyen also reportedly took a wall charger, a medication and two sodas. He provided a written statement detailing the items he took. Nguyen was charged with a misdemeanor of retail theft through Rowe’s office…

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