Tina Sellers Named Vice President of Loss Prevention at Family Dollar Stores

Tina Sellers, LPC, has been named vice president of loss prevention at Family Dollar Stores. Sellers is formerly the director of asset protection at Retail Business Services, an Ahold Delhaize USA company.

She began her loss prevention career with Mervyn’s as a store investigator and worked her way up the career ladder, leaving Mervyn’s as a district loss prevention manager before moving into regional loss prevention manager roles with Staples and OfficeMax. In 1997, Sellers accepted her first position as director of loss prevention with Wet Seal/Contempo Casuals, later moving to Wherehouse Music as director of loss prevention in 1998. In 2001, she moved to Gamestop as director of loss prevention and was promoted to vice president of loss prevention in 2007. She then moved to Retail Business Services/Ahold Delhaize USA in 2013, where she had responsibility over the Food Lion, Stop & Shop, Hannaford, Giant, and Giant/Martin grocery brands.

Sellers also serves as an adjunct professor at Northern Michigan University. She holds a bachelor of science in public law and government from Eastern Michigan University and a juris doctor from the University of Toledo College of Law. She also serves on the LP Magazine editorial board and the Loss Prevention Foundation board of directors.

Congratulations Tina!



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