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Three Sought in Theft of $12K in Merchandise from 2 Stores

Take the amount spent during a typical Kroger shopping trip, triple it, and that figure still would not come close to the amount police said a crew recently stole from two Atlanta locations.

Three men made off with nearly $5,000 worth of merchandise during a June 8 trip to the Kroger on Caroline Street in the Edgewood retail district, according to Atlanta police. They allegedly pulled off an even bigger heist worth $7,000 two days before at another Kroger on Glenwood Avenue. The stolen merchandise included soap, deodorant, meat, beer and household items, police said in a lookout posted to Facebook.

During the Edgewood incident, the men are accused of loading up their carts, exiting the rear doors of the store and leaving in a black Dodge Charger. Investigators do not know the vehicle’s tag information. It took the men about an hour from the time they entered the store at 10:35 p.m. to the time they left, according to an incident report obtained by Store employees did not notice the merchandise was stolen until they were taking inventory that night… Atlanta Journal-Constitution

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