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The Zellman Group Announces Open Source Intelligence and ORC Investigations Program

The National Retail Federation’s 2017 Loss Prevention Survey reported, for the first time ever, 100 percent of companies participating in the survey reported being a victim of organized retail crime. Retailers reported major losses in products with high resell values. The emergence over the last ten years of e-commerce, social media and marketplace seller sites has had a considerable impact on the way goods are bought and sold, as well as significant associated fraud. Open Source ORC Investigations combat this problem at its root.

Open Source ORC Investigations consist of online research to gather information from e-commerce communities, classifieds, social networks, dark web and criminal data to identify the core of ORC rings. The Zellman Group reportedly offers an end-to-end solution for your ORC investigations. The Zellman Group offers a balanced and consistent approach to investigating ORC that accommodates the independent needs of each client. The Zellman Group’s approach to ORC investigations combines forensic Open Source research with proven investigative techniques and financial recovery solutions.

Ben Dugan, who has over 10 years of ORC investigations experience recently joined The Zellman Group as the director of ORC field investigations. Dugan, along with Director of ORC Recovery Bill Ramos, will be directing the Open Source Intelligence and ORC Investigations program. CEO Stuart Levine, VP of Operations Lauren Bridgeo and Chief Counsel and Criminal Attorney Michael Ira Asen will provide additional support and expertise. Each member of this team has more than 30 years of retail, e-commerce and investigative experience.

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In addition to having the right people, The Zellman Group has the resources to conduct or assist clients with ORC Investigations. Examples of how The Zellman Group can assist with your ORC problem are:

  • ORC Subject Vetting and Asset Search
  • Social Media Covert Operations
  • E-Commerce ORC Investigations
  • Dark Web Investigations
  • Victim Impact Statements
  • ORC Recovery and Asset Search

Visit The Zellman Group’s Open Source Intelligence and ORC Investigations team at the 2017 RILA Retial AP Conference in New Orleans. The Zellman Group will be in booth 217.

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