The LP Foundation Celebrates These Newly Certified LP Professionals

We are pleased to recognize and congratulate those industry professionals who recently obtained their loss prevention certification. Despite their demanding schedule and having other impressive educational credentials, they still saw the value and took the time to obtain this important LP credential.

December LPC Recipients

Brent Cohen, LPC, Regional LP Manager, Amazon
Hugo Cortez, LPC, Field Security Manager, McDonald’s
Samuel Gann, LPC, LP Manager, Amazon
Michael Guminski, LPC, DAPSM, Lowe’s
Anthony Lavdis, LPC, Regional LP Manager, Dollar General
Nguyen Le, LPC, LP Specialist, Amazon
Michael O’Brien, LPC, DAPSM, Lowe’s
Omar Salman, LPC, Regional LP Specialist, Shoppers Drug Mart
Benjamin Schwartz, LPC, Corporate Manager, AP Investigations, Home Depot
Megan Smith, LPC, LP associate, TJX
Katie Stevens, LPC, Investigations Specialist, Amazon
Patrick Stilen, LPC, AP associate, Lowe’s
Karen Torres Zenil, LPC, LP Manager II, Amazon

December LPQ Recipients

Anthony Colbert, LPQ, Student, University of Indianapolis
Hezekiah Cuffy, CFI, LPQ, Region LP Investigator, Army & Air Force Exchange Service
Jayden Day, LPQ, Student, University of Indianapolis
Veeanna Edwards, LPQ, Student, University of Indianapolis
Shelly Ferguson, LPQ, AP Manager, Discovery Cooperative Ltd.
Johnson Jean, LPQ, Corporate Security Officer, IOBSE

Loss prevention certification is an investment that we make in ourselves. It is not simply a commitment to higher learning, but also a dedication to reach a higher standard. Each of these individuals is helping to raise the bar for the profession and has earned both their designation and respect of the loss prevention community.

For more information on loss prevention certification and the certification process, contact the Loss Prevention Foundation.

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