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The International Association of Interviewers Announce CFI Scholarship Winners

The International Association of Interviewers (IAI) congratulates the recent winners of the CFI Scholarships donated by Checkview, an Iverify Company and General Dynamic Information Technology.

The scholarship applications were reviewed by the CFI Scholarship Committee and the winners were chosen by the IAI Advisory Board. IAI has awarded CFI Scholarships over the last decade to help advance career development and provide continuing education to professionals in the interview and investigation community.

The 2015 winners are: 

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Karen Farris Arrow Insurance and Legal Investigations, LLC
Dan Donahue Bel-Nor Police Department
Gabriela Alves Guimaraes Aidar SBZ Avogados (Brazil)

This year, IAI’s Diamond Sponsors Checkview, an Iverify Company, and General Dynamics Information Technology have provided a CFI Preparatory Online Course scholarship to 12 deserving candidates.

Checkview and General Dynamics IT CFI Scholarship Recipients:

Brian Grady, LPQ Goodwill
Deborah Sweet Dollar General
Dirk Winkle Target
Dorothy Connolly Bloomingdales
Brad Dotton Wholesale Sports
Michael Beckman US Marine Corps
Patrick Beckman US Marine Corps and IL State Police
Claudia Belem Juarez Sanchez Polygraphic   Professionals Services of Oaxaca (Mexico)
Ian Noble B & Q (UK)
Jonathan Bouley
Michael Van Tiem Target
Nicolin Decker Paradigm Investigations

These individuals that have been chosen for the CFI Scholarship strive for excellence and professionalism in their performance of their duties; exhibit the highest level of professionalism while interviewing sources, victims, witnesses, and suspect; and follow the CFI Values

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