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The Biggest News in Loss Prevention: December 10 – 16

We know that your week can get busy, and the time you have to catch up on the news from around the retail loss prevention industry is often stolen away by other things. That’s why the LPM team sifts through headlines from all over the country to bring only the most relevant LP news to you here, in our special weekly news round-up—the perfect bookend to a productive week.

Here’s What You May Have Missed

15 Members of Nationwide ORC Ring Arrested
Police in Lynnwood, Washington conducted an emphasis operation with Lowe’s, Target, and Kohl’s where officers were placed in stores with AP personnel. In total, 15 were arrested— seven were charged with felonies and eight with misdemeanors.

Worker Wounded and Suspect Killed in Amazon Warehouse Shooting
Someone who wasn’t an Amazon employee or contractor entered the grounds of a warehouse complex in a Phoenix suburb, shooting an unarmed contract worker multiple times. Another contracted Amazon employee fatally shot the suspect.

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Shoppers Respond to Walmart CEO Threatening to Close Stores Due to Theft
After Walmart’s CEO threatened to close stores and raise prices in the future because of theft, customers are not taking the comments lightly, blaming the company’s reliance on self-checkout stations rather than human employees.

Rising ORC Has Sad Side Effects
The looting of retail stores is causing chains to completely rethink their businesses. And that may mean simply closing at-risk stores or curtailing future openings, retail experts say.

Houston Retailers Boost Security Amid Increased Theft
The holiday decorations are up and people have begun shopping. But no matter who you’re buying for, shopping during this time of year comes with elevated risks. Both retailers and shoppers in the Houston area are taking steps to protect themselves.

Walmart Employee Charged with Stealing Thousands in Cash and Merchandise
A woman has been charged with stealing thousands of dollars in cash and merchandise from the Walmart she worked at in Ladysmith, Wisconsin. She’s accused of taking $12,928.60 worth of cash and merchandise between January and May of 2022.

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