ON-DEMAND: Tangible Outcomes with AI Start in Loss Prevention

Do you have a lot going on today? Of course you do. Loss prevention professionals are busy fighting rising shrink, ensuring the safety of shoppers and associates, increasing efficiency, lowering costs, and the list goes on and on. Then there is the constant demand to evolve as quickly as the consumer and industry. If your head is spinning you are not alone.

While AI (artificial intelligence) in retail is still quite new (don’t let the headlines fool you), most don’t see a starting point for it in loss prevention. But as the role of LP expands well beyond the original charter, opportunities exist to leverage existing assets, create new streams of data, and drive precision into chaos.

Industry experts Ned McCauley and Terry Sullivan, LPC are the middle of it all. Listen to their live conversation as they discuss how they see retailers jumping into the AI world with computer vision to drive immediate outcomes now, while future-proofing for tomorrow.

Topics of Conversation:

  • What’s top of mind for today’s LP leaders?
  • How can advanced technology help today and in the near future?
  • How to co-innovate and win in the current landscape.


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