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Tag: store pos

Sprint Food Store

CASE STUDY: Taking Convenience Stores to the Next Level with IP Network Surveillance Systems

One benefit of implementing the new surveillance system was how it eliminated “blind spots” within stores, such as inside a walk-in beer cooler, which made it easy to prevent theft and catch thieves, according to Harrison.
access control technology

Access Control Technology to the Rescue: A True Story

The Case of the CFO’s Family Photo I was recruited to a startup thirty-store retailer to launch their first loss prevention program. My supervisor, the...
access control definition

Access Control and the Case of the Missing Camera

When I first approached this writing assignment on access controls, I brainstormed the usual items on the topic. I realized quickly that a 3,000-word...
Data Security Attack

Data Security Attacks on POS Systems: Hitting Retailers Where It Hurts

Data security attacks and cyber breaches are making headlines like never before, with some of the largest and most well-known brands—LinkedIn and Yahoo among...

Managing LP by Managing Data

Movie Gallery is the second largest and fastest growing video rental retailer in the world. Starting with one store in Dothan, Alabama, in 1985, the...
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