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Tag: shrinkage

3 Ways to Maintain the Value of Your Video Investments

Video surveillance is often at the heart of loss prevention strategies designed to address causes of shrinkage. Whether a retailer is taking aim at shoplifting, employee theft, returns fraud, tag switching, or sweethearting, a video solution can usually help.

LPM “Magpie” Awards: Applauding Excellence

The LPM team is privileged to have a front-row seat to the very best in the loss prevention industry, providing a unique opportunity to...
asset protection at Walmart

Making It Easier to Get It Right

Navigating the asset protection responsibilities at the world’s largest retailer requires patience, perspective, partnerships, and outstanding leadership. Mike Lamb, LPC, is the vice president...

Envisioning the Value of Video Is Easy—But Extracting It Can Be Tricky

It’s probably not difficult for loss prevention practitioners to picture the value that surveillance video solutions can provide. After all, they’re often inundated with promotional descriptions suggesting that today’s video solutions are a panacea for sluggish store sales and high shrinkage.
retail employee engagement

Improving Retail Employee Engagement Can Help Manage Loss

For the majority of retailers, loss is an inevitable part of doing business. What form this loss takes and, critically, how much it costs...

EyeOnLP: Predictive Analytics and RILA Student Mentorship Program

Over the course of four months, students in the UT MSBA program worked closely with asset protection professionals at 7-Eleven to fully understand the organization’s business model and develop hypotheses about how analytics might be used to identify fraudulent activity.

Controlling Retail Shrinkage in the Specialty Environment

Retail shrinkage stems from a handful of causes that are rarely unique to a single retailer. Theft, whether internal or external, and operational error...

Comparing Policies and Practices on Managing Shoplifting

While the annual shrinkage surveys covering retail loss prevention go some way in offering an oversight as to how the industry is thinking about...

RFID Technology and Asset Protection

Technology regarding assets is moving at a fast pace. To be able to accurately monitor and track assets is of paramount importance to many...
retail theft ring shoplifting, security in shopping malls. catching shoplifters, prop 47

LP Insider’s Top Five Shoplifting and ORC Articles of 2016

Does Concealment = Shoplifting? In most states, intent is the driving factor in determining whether to charge a shoplifter. It is a common misbelief among shoplifters...
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