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Tag: security cameras


Security and Safety Things GmbH Announces Global, Secure IoT Platform for Security Cameras

Security and Safety Things GmbH (SAST) recently announced their vision for an IoT platform in the security camera segment. SAST is currently building a...
data security best practices, physical security threats and vulnerabilities

Are Your Solution Providers Following Data Security Best Practices?

There may be no better symbol of the nation’s modern, high-tech military as its fleet of predator drones. So it surely caused a few red faces at the Pentagon when it was discovered that insurgents in Afghanistan and Iraq had used $26 software to intercept live video feeds from the unmanned planes.
Shoplifter Shoplifting and theft

To Stop or Not to Stop the Shoplifter: Is This Still a Question?

Am I sure that he is attempting to steal this merchandise? "Yes, I am sure."
investigating theft in the workplace

The ABCs of Investigating Theft in the Workplace

Few core competencies are as important to senior loss prevention executives as a proficiency in theft investigations. Whether it is knowing when to initiate an investigation, how...
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