Tag: retail technology trends
LPM Insider’s Top 5 Loss Prevention Technology Articles of 2018
In 2018, readers wanted to know more about Rite Aid's crowdsourcing investigations tool, the top (FREE) tools to help with social media investigations, and what it's like to find and buy EAS detachers online as a shoplifter, among other technology topics.
What to Expect for the Rest of 2018 in Retail Technology Trends
Technology is not here to eliminate us; it's here to make our jobs and lives easier.
9 Emerging Retail Technology Trends You Need to Know
Loss prevention practitioners have a long track record of investing in a wide range of technologies to help control the various losses retailers experience....
Retail Data Analytics and LP
We find ourselves living in a time when nearly every decision we make is recorded. Where we drive, what we buy–all this data is...
Retail Technology Trends Shaping the Future of Loss Prevention
Every day we are reminded just how quickly retail technology trends are changing the world around us. Charging at us at a furious pace,...
Retail Technology Trends: Low-Tech Solution for High-Tech Crime?
As loss prevention and civil authorities look for new, and better ways to ward off the ever increasing number of drones zipping around our...