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Tag: retail loss prevention

Deterring Antisocial Behavior in Retail Settings

This report examines the LPRC's new crime control framework: Affect, Connect, and Detect. It specifically details the Affect component, aimed at preventing antisocial behavior in retail settings.

Crime Fighting in Aisle 3: How Companies Can Crack Down on ORC

In this article, learn more about ThinkLP's technology and how it can serve your organization to create a safer and smarter retail store.

Metadata: What Is Your Video Telling You?

In this article, learn about Axis Communications' cutting‑edge video surveillance solutions that harness metadata to deliver real-time insights, empowering you to make informed decisions and elevate your business performance.

Design. Develop. Deliver. How the Boot Came to Be

In this article, read about the technology CIS offers to mitigate organized retail crime in your retail store.

Situational Crime Prevention: An Introduction

This research from the LPRC focuses on situational crime prevention (often referred to as "SCP" in criminology circles), aiming to provide a concise overview. Learn more by downloading the full study!

Organized Retail Crime and the Opioid Crisis: Two National Epidemics

Despite speculation, there is a lack of systematic research on the connection between ORC and opioid addiction, underscoring the need to understand the behaviors of opioid-addicted offenders to develop effective prevention strategies. This research study conducted by the LPRC aims to address this issue.

NGS Offers Revolutionary Glazing Security Product for Retailers: 3M S2400

NGS proudly announces that it is the first dealer in America to purchase, sell, and install the most innovative security film: 3M S2400.

Where Were You on the Morning of September 11? Part 2

LP Magazine shares perspectives and memories from loss prevention executives about the September 11, 2001, attacks.

Where Were You on the Morning of September 11? Part 3

LP Magazine shares perspectives and memories from loss prevention executives about the September 11, 2001, attacks.

LPC and LPQ: Two Critical Loss Prevention Training Courses

Core competencies and standards of performance have been established by industry leadership and subject matter experts from across the retail loss prevention community to represent the needs and expectations of the profession.
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