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Tag: retail loss prevention

What Is A Shoplifter, people who steal, retail store theft

Exactly What Is a Shoplifter and How Much Do You Know?

When asked “What is a shoplifter?”, most readers of the LPM Insider probably have a pretty good idea of how to respond. I do...
loss prevention manager job description

9 Leadership Functions That Should Be in Every Loss Prevention Manager Job Description

In many professional fields, such as legal, technology, and finance, one can expect to find commonalities among the practitioners. These professionals share certain certifications...
Mat Schriner

The Loss Prevention Foundation (LPF) Announces New Director of Operations

The Loss Prevention Foundation announced that Mathew Schriner, LPC, has been named as its director of operations, effective March 5, 2018. The appointment is...
retail resignation letter

Respectful Yet Professional: A Sample Resignation Letter for a Retail LP Pro

Building a successful loss prevention career requires dedication, hard work, and long hours honing our skills and abilities as we strive to become among...
what is supply-chain management

Supply-Chain Management: It’s 10 pm. Do You Know Where Your Package Is?

If you grew up in the 1970s, you may remember the popular public-service announcement for parents that asked, "It's 10 p.m. Do you know...
Jack Trlica signature

Thank You and I Appreciate You

Perhaps because I am of a certain age, I must confess that the passing of contemporaries has a profound impact on me. Over the...
Steve Hyle

Earning the Respect of Your Customers

Steve Hyle, LPC, is vice president, director of national accounts for AFA Protective Systems. He joined AFA in 1997 after starting his career in...
loss prevention requirements

The Three Amigos

Exemplifying the True Meaning of Solution Provider Partner: An Interview with Kevin Lynch, Mike Grady, and Rex Gillette

EPIC Adds Maurice Edwards, Walter Palmer and Their Risk Solutions Team

EPIC Insurance Brokers and Consultants has recently announced the addition of enterprise risk management veteran Maurice (Moe) Edwards, retail loss prevention expert Walter Palmer,...
point-of-sale systems

20 Years On: The Dramatic Metamorphosis of Point-of-Sale Systems

Emerging point-of-sale systems technology, including self-checkout, was on full display at the annual National Retail Federation (NRF) conference in January. Among the companies showcasing...
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