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Tag: retail industry

Certification Benefits Both Retail and Non-Retail Segments

Zuzana Crawford, LPC, currently serves as a senior investigator on the PayPal Global Asset Protection team. She is responsible for investigations into possible criminal...

Data Breaches: A Look Back, a Glimpse Forward

There are many different kinds of stories that dot the digital landscape, many highlighting the scope and reach of loss prevention in the new...
loss prevention research council, loss prevention strategies

Retail Theft and the Science of Stealing

When thinking of retail theft, many envision teenagers shoplifting candy bars. Obviously, it’s much more than that. More than $44 billion in merchandise goes...

A Look Back, a Glimpse Forward

There were many different kinds of stories that dotted the digital landscape in 2014, many highlighting the scope and reach of loss prevention in...

Columnists Discuss Loss Prevention Suicide, Fraud Tools, Managing the Future, Data Analysis, and More...

Just when the economy seems to be turning around from the crash of 2008 and the resulting Great Recession, a mere six years later...

NRF Names Grocery Executive Dan Faketty to Head Loss Prevention Council

The National Retail Federation today announced that Southeastern Grocers’ Vice President of Asset Protection Dan Faketty has been named chairman of the NRF Loss...
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The Loss Prevention Benevolent Fund Raises $4000 at the RILA Retail Asset Protection Conference

The Loss Prevention Foundation (LPF) and Retail Industry Leaders Association (RILA) successfully partnered to raise money for the Loss Prevention Benevolent Fund The fundraiser...

Checkpoint Systems Expands Health and Beauty RFID Label Portfolio for Improved Merchandise Visibility

Checkpoint Systems, a leading global supplier of merchandise availability solutions for the retail industry, today announced that it has expanded its portfolio of RFID...
crisis management plan

Domestic Issues Are Increasingly the Root Cause of Workplace Violence

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) defines workplace violence as “any physical assault, threatening behavior or verbal abuse occurring in the workplace.” A...
News, Newspaper

In Professional Development, Relevance Is a Product of Evolution

In the digital space, the concept of evolution is a frequent topic of conversation. Naturally this makes a great deal of sense, as we...
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