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Tag: retail industry

loss prevention skills

Fundamental Loss Prevention Skills for Establishing a Professional Brand

In the 1970s and 1980s, service in local, state, and federal law enforcement was the required foundational experience for most loss prevention leaders. Today,...

Is ORC on the Rise? Just Ask Your Store Associates.

If organized retail crime (ORC) continues to plague retailers as recent studies indicate, why are some retailers cutting their ORC investigative staff and seemingly...

LPM Insider Survey Results: Readers Want More Training to Defuse Violent Situations

Incidents of violence in the retail setting have become an ongoing and consistent problem. Nearly every day there are occurrences that result in violent...
Bob MacLea

Longtime Industry Icon Bob MacLea Passes at Age 75

Bob MacLea, one of the retail industry's longest-tenured and most-respected loss prevention executives, lost his battle with cancer last Thursday, March 1. Beginning his...
issues in asset protection

RILA’s Asset Protection Leaders Council

In an industry as dynamic as retail, asset protection leaders have long been faced with the daunting task of keeping pace with the changing...
retail innovation trends, asset protection system

All Together Now

The giant course correction hitting retail now appears pointed squarely in one direction—toward technology. It was the sum and substance of presentations at the...

Why Amazon Go is a ‘No-Go’ for Most Retailers

As Nick Wingfield, technology correspondent for the New York Times describes in his vivid, firsthand account of shopping at the Amazon Go store "Inside...

Day 1 of the Innovision 2018 Conference

The Innovision 2018 conference is now in full swing in Fort Lauderdale, launching the event with messages of creativity and innovation while overcoming our...
loss prevention lawsuit

Loss Prevention Lawsuits: The Expert’s Role

Contemporary loss prevention policies in the retail industry are a consequence of the so-called “litigation explosion” that dates back to the early to mid-1980s....
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