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Tag: retail industry trends

retail pre-employment assessment

Do Retail Pre-Employment Assessment Tests Minimize Turnover?

More retail industry employers are using pre-employment screening tests to find better employees.
omni-channel retailing examples

5 Omni-channel Retailing Examples in 2018

As online-only retailers continue to see expanded success, traditional brick-and-mortar stores must turn to new strategies to keep up with customer demand. Today's retail...
Retail Industry Shopping Gallery

LP Insider’s Top Five Retail Industry Articles of 2016

It’s Déjà Vu All Over Again: The Future of Retail Will Include Circuit City E-commerce may be retail’s future, but brick and mortar is far...
Retail Industry Credit Card Fraud E-commerce

E-commerce Has Not Killed Brick-and-Mortar as Projected

Many industry experts projected that the rise of e-commerce would lead to the extinction of brick-and-mortar retail. But that hasn’t happened. Why? Because physical...

Black Friday, Other Retail Industry Holiday Shopping Trends Are Shifting

We know that the vast majority of Insider readers are connected to the retail industry. As such, most of you are probably bracing yourselves...
employee theft statistics

Wages, Employee Performance and Retail Industry Trends: Looking at Walmart’s New Approach

Following an important topic that has been widely discussed throughout 2016, recent retail industry trends have explored the relationship between wage increases and the...
Retail Industry Shopping Gallery

The Brick-And-Mortar Retail Industry Continues to Struggle

As I was beginning to write this article about the retail industry and the challenges it’s facing, I wondered if it made sense in...
Spring Tulips Image

Spring Trends and Rapid Change in the Retail Industry

The holiday season is over and the weather is starting to warm up. Retailers are replenishing their stores with fresh spring merchandise. Zacks Equity...
Loss Prevention Technology 3

Looking Ahead: 2016 US Retail Industry Trends

As 2016 swings into full gear, retail industry professionals want to know: what hot topics and significant trends will take center stage this year?...

When Dealing with Shoplifters, Safety Is Always Our First Option

The evolution of loss prevention is a common topic of discussion throughout the industry. It is a focal point of many loss prevention conference...
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