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Tag: police

Latest Officer of the Month Announced

On December 18, Officer Sara Howell—disregarding significant risk to her own safety—reached into the back seat and dragged the trapped victim out of the vehicle just as it became fully engulfed in flames.

Retailers Surveyed Reported 56.4% of Crimes to Law Enforcement

A large portion of crimes known to retailers are never reported to law enforcement—this means that these incidents will never show up in the official crime statistics that most in the media and policymaking often cite.

Fostering Next-Level Partnerships That Make a Difference

Strong relationships between law enforcement and retail management are essential for effective loss prevention, enhancing collaboration, trust, and community safety.

Chief Johnny Jennings Receives LPM Founders’ Award for Excellence in Leadership and Community Service

The LPM "Founders' Awards" recognize LP professionals, teams, solution providers, law enforcement partners, and others who demonstrate a stellar contribution to the profession.

Latest Officer of the Month Announced

Deputy Wes Brough was selected for his actions when he jumped into a pond to save a 5-year-old boy from drowning.

Inside Scoop with Oakbrook PD Chief | Ep. 89

In this episode of the Inside Scoop Podcast, Oakbrook, Illinois Chief of Police Brian Strockis has an unfiltered discussion with LPM's Stefanie Hoover about the department's effect on ORC in their community, specifically at the Oakbrook Mall.

San Francisco Mayor and Police Chief Announce New Mobile Cameras to Improve Public Safety

The units are being supplied by LiveView Technologies (LVT) as part of a pilot program with the San Francisco Police Department (SFPD).

Hibbett and City Gear Show Their Appreciation for Law Enforcement

Strong partnerships with law enforcement are crucial for any loss prevention team. When a criminal act occurs in your store, you want to already have a relationship with local police—and you want that relationship to be positive.

RILA and the International Association of Chiefs of Police Announce New Partnership

Together, RILA and IACP will develop educational resources, facilitate information sharing, and enhance collaboration between leading retailers and law enforcement agencies to combat organized retail crime, prolific theft and disorder, and restore vibrancy to communities across the country. 

Brookfield Properties’ Dana Wright: She’s Got Your Back

Read how Dana Wright carries Brookfield Properties forward, tackling the many challenges facing malls today with intelligence and innovation.
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