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Tag: php inventory management

new technology in retail

New Technology in Retail Offers Many Possibilities

New technology in retail loss prevention emerges regularly. In this profession, it's important to stay abreast of any new technologies that may show potential and...
facial recognition security cameras

Facial Recognition Security Cameras: A Game-Changing Technology

EDITOR'S NOTE: This article is based on the experiences of a well-known retailer that implemented a facial-recognition security camera system. Because of the potential value...
how to manage inventory

Are Amateur Shoplifters Just Plain Crooks, or Are They Sick?

Many of us in retail loss prevention probably think of most shoplifters as plain petty crooks. We rarely give much thought as to why...

Playing the Long Game: A Retailer’s Reaction to Shoplifting Today Impacts Crime for Decades...

Shoplifting is often cited as the most frequently committed crime in societies around the world. (Content sponsored by the Crime Accountability Partnership Program.)

Is Identification the Missing Piece in LP’s War against ORC?

Last month, police officers from the Berkeley Police Department in California raided a house as part of an investigation into a retail theft ring and found stolen cosmetics and other goods totaling $500,000, according to news reports.
Loss Prevention Equipment, video surveillance laws, ORC methods

Fight ORC Methods with a Solid Strategy

How many retailers think or know they have an organized retail crime (ORC) problem? Even of those that say they do, how many can...

USS Reveals New F-117 Nighthawk Protection for Designer Eyewear

USS recently revealed its latest product development in eyewear protection, the F-117 Nighthawk Eyewear Tag. While there are eyewear-specific electronic article surveillance (EAS) products on...
security cameras

An Update on Major Subjects Affecting Retail LP

After completing the three-part series on the first fifteen years of Loss Prevention magazine, I promised to write an additional article that looks at...

When Ordinary Things Get Smart

A ton of great smart tech was on display at the National Retail Federation’s Big Show in January, from wearables to the Internet of...

Emerging Technologies

In the second in a series of industry-focused benchmarking surveys, the authors present a few key findings from a new study of how some...
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