Tag: ORC
Exactly What Is a Shoplifter and How Much Do You Know?
When asked “What is a shoplifter?”, most readers of the LPM Insider probably have a pretty good idea of how to respond. I do...
People on the Move: March 2018
Professional advancement and building a successful loss prevention career can mean many things to many different people. For some individuals, it may mean reaching...
Online Sellers’ Red Flags Can Point to Fencing Crime
Perhaps the most widely known criminal on our radar is the fence. A fence is an individual who knowingly buys stolen property for later...
People On the Move: March–April 2018
Nancy Orozco is now a regional LP representative at adidas.
Jimmy Treuting was named SVP of sales and marketing at ADT Cybersecurity.
Courtland Greer is now...
E-commerce Credit Card Fraud: The Growing Challenge
Just as the word "e-commerce" has come to refer to a menagerie of different specialized markets, so e-commerce credit card fraud comes in many...
Flash Mob Robbery and the Retail Threat
What started out a few years ago as a phenomenon that used social networking sites to gather a group of people in a public...
Loss Prevention Certification: Recently Certified – February 2018
We are pleased to recognize and congratulate an industry leader who recently obtained their LPC certification. Despite their demanding schedule and having other impressive educational credentials, they still saw the value and took the time to obtain this industry-leading LPC credential.
People on the Move: February 2018
Professional advancement and building a successful loss prevention career can mean many things to many different people. For some individuals, it may mean reaching...
Case Preparation: The Key to Successful Shoplifter Prosecutions
The loss prevention associate finally caught them red-handed. For three months, he had been trying to catch these shoplifters in the act. This time,...