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Tag: On Point

Why Rapport Is Important in Interviews

Revisit this previously recorded video hosted by Dave Thompson, CFI, and Chris Norris, CFI, as they discuss the importance of rapport and why it can't be faked or rushed.

Why Human Resources and Loss Prevention Should Train Together

Revisit this previously recorded video hosted by Dave Thompson, CFI, and Chris Norris, CFI, as they discuss the benefits of cross-training between loss prevention and human resource teams.

Decoding ‘I Don’t Remember’ in Investigative Interviews

Revisit this previously recorded video hosted by Dave Thompson, CFI, and Chris Norris, CFI, as they discuss how the phrase "I don't remember" doesn’t mean an interview subject is withholding information, with tips on how to adapt.

How to Become Proficient in Your Skills

Revisit the previously recorded video hosted by Dave Thompson, CFI and Chris Norris, CFI as they discuss progressing from learning a trained skill to becoming proficient in that skill.

How to Prepare for Your First Investigative Interview

Revisit this previously recorded discussion hosted by Dave Thompson, CFI, and Chris Norris, CFI as they offer tips on how a first time interviewer can prepare before their first case.

Changes in Interviewing Concepts

As the world continuously changes, WZ strives to bring you the most modern, evidence-based, and proven interviewing methods. Here, learn more about how changes in concepts will impact your interviews.

Fear of Failing in Investigative Interviews

In this video, Dave Thompson, CFI, and Tony Paixão, CFI, CFE, answer investigator questions about everything from fear of failing to obtaining an admission to the type of empathy statement to use during an interview.

Should You Lie about Evidence? And Other Questions…

In this video, Dave Thompson, CFI, and Chris Norris, CFI, answer investigator questions—from lying about evidence to the impact of non-confrontational methods taught globally. Watch now!

How the Mendez Principles Guide Successful Interviews

In this video, Dave Thompson, CFI welcomes Mark Fallon to discuss The Mendez Principles—a set of principles that help investigators conduct successful interviews. This video is perfect for professionals looking to improve their investigative interviewing skills.

A Conversation with Victim of the Tinder Swindler Cecilie Fjellhøy

In this video, Dave Thompson, CFI, speaks with Cecilie Fjellhøy, known from the Netflix documentary Tinder Swindler. Hear about how she was treated in various interview settings and learn how interviewers can become supportive advocates to obtain reliable information.
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