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Tag: nrf

Helping LP Move at the Speed of Business

Sponsored by NRF PROTECT Shelley Row has performed extensive research on executive leadership, including conducting 77 in-depth interviews with top executives. What she discovered was...
how to manage inventory

April 25 is the Last Day to Participate in the 2016 National Retail Security...

It wasn’t that long ago that there was no consistent or reliable means to gather and interpret industry-wide information on retail shrinkage. Not only...
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Helping Loss Prevention Professionals in a Time of Need

In late 2012, Luis Jhon, a Walmart asset protection professional, lost this life while trying to confront a shoplifter. This event struck a nerve...

From Store Detective To Research Scientist with the Loss Prevention Research Council

Read Hayes, Ph.D., CPP, is the director of the Loss Prevention Research Council(LPRC) and coordinator of the Loss Prevention Research Team at the University...

Calendar: March/April 2016

March 1-3, 2016 Jewelers' Security Alliance: 38th Annual Security Seminar & Expo Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Hollywood, FL March 7-10, 2016 Merchant Risk Council e-Commerce Payments & Risk...

Helping Loss Prevention Professionals in Their Time of Need

Over the years, our profession has always been generous in raising funds for many meaningful charities. But have we done everything we could to...

Changing Roles and Challenges in Loss Prevention

Interviewee Bios Stacie Bearden Director of Asset Protection, Field The Home Depot Bearden is responsible for the field organization's theft and fraud including Home Depot's organized retail crime...
Spring Tulips Image

Spring Trends and Rapid Change in the Retail Industry

The holiday season is over and the weather is starting to warm up. Retailers are replenishing their stores with fresh spring merchandise. Zacks Equity...

Taking Retail Loss Prevention Strategies to a Whole New Industry

Chris McDonald is the senior vice president of loss prevention for Compass Group North America. He came to Compass Group in April 2012 after...
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