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Tag: nrf

Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani to Headline NRF Loss Prevention Conference

Rudy Giuliani, 107th Mayor of New York City, will be among the keynote speakers as more than 2,000 retail industry loss prevention executives, cybersecurity...
NRF ORC Survey

The NRF 2016 Organized Retail Crime Survey Currently Under Way

Did you know that Organized Retail Crime costs the retail industry approximately $30 billion each year? Are you a retail loss prevention decision maker? If...

The Loss Prevention Benevolent Fund (LPBF) Receives IRS Tax Exempt Status

The Loss Prevention Foundation (LPF) announced today that the Loss Prevention Benevolent Fund, Inc., dedicated to helping loss prevention/asset protection professionals and their families...

2016 National Retail Security Survey Key Findings

The 2016 National Retail Security Survey (NRSS) based on 2015 data from retailers was released at the recent National Retail Federation (NRF) PROTECT Conference...

Go Big or Go Home

Go big or go home. In this case, retailers need to go both big and small. Successful retail decision-makers continuously work to improve what...

Law Enforcement, Retailers Meet at Fusion Center

Members of eBay’s North America Global Asset Protection (GAP) team participated in the National Retail Federation (NRF) PROTECT conference in Philadelphia June 14–16. Each...
Loss Prevention Foundation logo

The Loss Prevention Benevolent Fund Raises $4300 at the NRF Protect Conference

The Loss Prevention Foundation (LPF) and the National Retail Federation (NRF) successfully partnered to raise money for the Loss Prevention Benevolent Fund. The fundraiser culminated in...

Cashmaster Introduces Cashmaster One Series

Count-by-weight cash management specialists Cashmaster have made a major extension to its leading range of cash-counting devices with the introduction of the Cashmaster One...

IDIS Highlights Retail Video Surveillance Solutions at NRF PROTECT

IDIS has follwed up the launch of its North American brand business with its first appearance at the NRF PROTECT Loss Prevention Exposition and...
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