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Tag: nrf

2016 Holiday Retail Trends, Sales Performance and Loss Prevention

Annual retail trends consistently emphasize the importance of the holiday season on overall retail performance. And although the face of retail continues to change...

EyeOnLP: Congratulations on 15 Years

Friends and valued partners in the LP community share their well wishes for the magazine's 15th anniversary in this commemorative video.

Virgin Group Founder Richard Branson to Headline NRF Retail’s BIG Show 2017

Virgin Group founder Richard Branson will be among the keynote speakers as more than 33,000 industry leaders from around the world convene in New...
Professional Development Loss Prevention Career

The Unemployed Contingency Plan: Planning a New Direction for Your Loss Prevention Career

I shuffled out of my corporate office on January 31, 2009, carrying a small container with personal possessions and pictures of my two daughters;...

Retailers See Increase in Organized Retail Crime

Organized retail crime is continuing to grow, with 83 percent of merchants surveyed reporting an increase in the past year, according to the 12th...

EyeOnLP: LPM 15-Year Anniversary Meeting Recap

Last month, LP Magazine celebrated its 15th year anniversary during the magazine’s annual board meeting, which was held this year in Sanibel Island, Florida.
hurricane disaster

Hurricane Impact—Disaster Recovery and Response by Retail LP

As news reports continue to emerge in the wake of Hurricane Matthew, it has become evident that the lessons learned from Hurricane Katrina came...

National Retail Federation Forecasts Holiday Sales to Increase 3.6% in 2016

The National Retail Federation has announced that it expects sales in November and December, excluding autos, gas and restaurant sales, to increase a solid...

LP Magazine Celebrates 15 Years with a Glimpse at the Past, But a Focus...

This past week LP Magazine celebrated its 15th year anniversary during the magazine’s annual board meeting, which was held this year in Sanibel Island,...
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