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Tag: nrf

security camera, retail theft control

Why Protective Countermeasures Work for Retail Theft Control

It is equally important to be able to align and describe how a selected protective countermeasure or treatment actually works to affect a problem.
Electronic Article Surveillance Source Tagging, eas tag

Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS) Source Tagging: 20+ Years of Innovation

Every so often, a simple idea catches the imagination, fervor, and engagement of a group of people and is developed into a successful practice that revolutionizes a business. Electronic article surveillance (EAS) source tagging is definitely one of those.
ORC Theft

ORC Theft Trends and Impact

A more effective way to attack this type of theft is to bring together retailers and law enforcement resources in order to share trends and case details.
bloomingdale's loss prevention

A Lifetime of Learning

EDITOR'S NOTE: Chad McIntosh is the vice president of loss prevention and risk management for Bloomingdale's. He has more than forty years of loss...
shoplifting penalties

Shoplifting Penalties Rarely Benefit Retailers These Days

Various factors, including tight budgets, increases in serious crime, and shrinking availability of patrols have affected police procedures and shoplifting penalties.

Bob MacLea Scholarships to Fund LP Certifications

Thanks to the generosity of the participants and over twenty corporate sponsors, the Swing for Certification event raised over $35,000 that will fund more than fifty scholarships.

Deterring Determined Offenders

Okay, it's not just complicated; it's complex. At least that's the opinion expressed by some tweeters recently. The "Twitterland" consensus seemed to suggest controlling...
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