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Tag: November

CNBC/NRF Retail Monitor Shows Sales Grew in November Even as 2 Thanksgiving Weekend Days...

Moderate retail sales growth continued in November even as two of the holiday season’s busiest shopping days bumped over into December and weren’t included in the month’s totals, according to the CNBC/NRF Retail Monitor.

Organized Retail Crime Monthly News Recap: November 2024

To give you a better feel for the vast impact of the ORC problem, we have provided a glimpse into just a few of the incidents that took place in the month of November, 2024.

LP People on the Move: November 2024

Please join us in congratulating the following individuals on their recent career moves and promotions.

Latest Officer of the Month Announced

The National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund (NLEOMF) has announced Officer Dylan Coffman of the Flagler Beach (Florida) Police Department as the latest Officer of the Month.

November 2022 Officers of the Month Announced

Officers Brunel Victor and Taufique Bokth of the New York Police Department as the Officers of the Month for November 2022 after rescuing a man who fell onto an active subway track.
Loss Prevention Foundation

Newly Certified LP Professionals: November 2022

We are pleased to recognize and congratulate these industry professionals who recently obtained their loss prevention certification.
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