Tag: lprc
How to Make Sense of Randomized Controlled Trials: A Guide from LPRC’s Research Team
Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) are the gold standard in evidence-based research. At first glance, they seem simple enough: Give some patients the real drug, give some the placebo, and see what happens.
The Blurring Lines between ORC and Cyber Crime
In 2003, the Loss Prevention Research Council (LPRC) worked on a three-year international research project with the University of Leicester, UK. The research was...
Deterring Determined Offenders
Okay, it's not just complicated; it's complex. At least that's the opinion expressed by some tweeters recently. The "Twitterland" consensus seemed to suggest controlling...
The Cult of Technology in Asset Protection: LP/AP’s Adoption of Multidisciplinary Concepts
As technological advances have occurred in other domains such as computer science, the realm of capabilities in our LP/AP world has exploded. However, all too often, there is a willingness to believe that technology offers a panacea.
Security at the Source
Manufacturer involvement in designing product protection is decades old, noted University of Florida research scientist Read Hayes, PhD, CPP. He remembers Walt Disney's Buena...
Monitors or Locked Displays?
It's complicated. We don't want to overplay our hand here, but the role and responsibility of today's asset protection professionals is increasingly complex, and...
RILA’s Asset Protection Leaders Council, Part II
Approximately fifty asset protection pyramid heads participated in last fall’s APLC meeting in Nashville. During the meetings, eight different retailers hosted store visits, providing insight into their top asset protection challenges.
Loss Prevention Research Council 2018 Research Agenda: Available Now
The Loss Prevention Research Council (LPRC) has released their 2018 research agenda, containing 60 planned projects for the year. LPRC research scientists will collaborate...
Stop Basing Your Loss Prevention Procedures on Sticky Myths
Sticky myths and slippery truths: these five fallacies can derail a good loss prevention strategy.
Why Point-of-Sale Activation Technology Has Been Heralded as a Kingmaker
If connectivity in today's digital world represents "everything," then surely the opposite must be true of disconnectivity.
As we immerse ourselves in the 21st century...