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Tag: loss prevention

Interview and Interrogation Training: Investigative Prep Rationalizations (Part 2 of 4)

I want to challenge you to broaden your scope when it comes to rationalizations. Think through different topics and rationalizations that you would be willing to wear in public: things like "exhaustion," or "lack of control."
Stephen Longo

LPM Excellence Recognizes Steve Longo for Partnerships

"Around the age of ten, I started selling software demo kits alongside my dad," said Longo. "He was a brilliant man, passionately building relationships with innovators in the early days of software development, including (name drop) Bill Gates."
self defense at work

The Legal Implications of Self-Defense at Work

Many retailers have policies for handling a security event, and employees who fail to follow such policies can—under the “employment at will” principle—be subject to punishment, including termination. That happened to a group of asset protection associates at a Utah Walmart, but they challenged their firings in a lawsuit.

Loss Prevention Associate Stops Kidnapping Attempt

The actions of a Texas Walmart loss prevention associate are being hailed as a hero. That’s because police say he stopped a kidnapping incident...

Checkpoint Announces that Boscov’s Will Employ CableLok Retail Security System

Checkpoint Systems recently announced that Boscov’s is employing its CableLok® retail security system to reduce shrink while lifting sales in a number of its...
apprehending shoplifters, california shoplifting

Welcome to California: Still a Shoplifter’s Paradise?

One piece of good news for California prosecutors is AB1065, a bill that makes it easier to tackle organized retail crime (ORC). As of July 2018, the bill has moved through the legislature but needs a final push in the state senate to make it to the governor's desk.
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