Tag: loss prevention
A Root-Cause Analysis May Help Reduce Shrinkage
As the industry transitions from bricks and mortar to “bricks and clicks,” the capabilities of existing systems are being stretched thin, and many retailers have not fully integrated the new technology required to manage loss and reduce shrinkage effectively in an omni-channel world.
LPM Excellence Recognizes Steve May for Partnerships
"Being a vendor is not a dirty word. You need to believe in your bones that what you're providing is critical to your customer's success."
Shoplifting in Fitting Rooms
Whether in a booster bag, booster girdle, stroller or wearing stolen merchandise out of a store, the fitting room seems like a great place to conceal merchandise. So, what are some current methods to curb shoplifting in fitting rooms?
Integrating Technology and Contract Officer Management
The convenience of today's app-driven world is all around us. Whether we're on the road, ordering a ride or mapping a route, or at work, creating notes, scheduling a meeting, or getting a reminder that we have a meeting, the convenience is there.
Can Retailers Be Better Victims?
This type of story does not make the news because it happens quietly and without the media coverage of a natural disaster like Florence. However, it is no less damaging or irresponsible; it is no less a threat to safe stores and communities. [Sponsored post]
LA City Attorney and LAPD Partner with ALTO US to Battle the Growing Problem...
Los Angeles City Attorney Mike Feuer, the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) and ALTO US have recently announced they are teaming up to implement a retail risk management solution to battle ORC.
Does Employee Monitoring Technology Change Staff Behavior?
Does technology-based employee monitoring reduce misconduct? Does it dampen or enhance worker productivity? What do you think?